Devenez DJ
et créez vos sets
en 2 mois

Découvrez nos formations accélérée :
👋 100% présentiel, en studios d’enregistrement
👉 100% pratique
👌 100% finançable
📍 Paris, Lyon, Marseille

Une formation

Our training courses take place in short sessions, accelerated over 2 months, allowing you to progress quickly. We welcome groups of 4 to 6 students maximum per session.


Our sessions are practical and immersive, as they take place directly in established recording studios, in the control room for a quick and effective understanding of CAM.


These academically renowned courses
are open to everyone. Our split payment system is meant to make this training program affordable.


an appointment

You're welcome to schedule
an appointment with one
of our training supervisors


Share your project
with us

Our training managers
will call you to navigate
you through our program


Get started

Register to your session
and start training
with the bests


What is the DJ producer training at the Sound Academy?

The DJ Producer Training at Sound Academy is a comprehensive program designed to give music enthusiasts a fundamental understanding of all aspects of live mixing. Our aim is to train professionals in an accelerated manner.

What is the duration of the training?

The duration of our training is 10 hours or 20 hours, up to 5 days per week over 1 or 2 weeks. Each day includes a specific set of practice modules designed to help students develop skills in various aspects of live production and mixing.

What are the prerequisites to enroll in the DJ producer course?

Candidates must have a general or professional bachelor's degree or an equivalent degree to be eligible for the training. An interest in sound, music, and a passion for learning are also essential. Prior experience in audio production or music is beneficial, but not necessary.

What financing and payment methods are available?

We offer several payment options to accommodate our trainees, including payment in 5 installments at no cost, with a portion of the monthly payments beginning on the first day of the training. Our training programs are eligible MonCompteFormation, OPCO and in some cases the Pôle Emploi. For more information, please fill out the registration form.

How do I apply for Sound Academy courses?

You can apply directly on our website. The application process includes submitting an online application form, a telephone interview, and possibly an interview. We will contact you again if necessary.

What certifications can I get by attending Sound Academy?

By successfully completing a course at the Sound Academy, you will receive a diploma, recognized in the audiovisual industry. In addition, during your training, you will have the opportunity to obtain additional certifications specific to audio software or equipment, such as Pro Tools, Logic Pro, Ableton Live, etc. These certifications are recognized worldwide and can significantly increase your employability in the audio and sound field. Please note that the availability of these additional certifications may vary, and we encourage you to check directly with our admissions team for the most up to date details.

Upcoming sessions
Sessions all year round.
The Sound Academy offers training in professional recording studios throughout France, 100% fundable with no additional costs.
March 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
February 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
April 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
May 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
June 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
July 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
September 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
October 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
Novembre 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
December 2024
📍 France, Belgium, Switzerland
🎙 Sound engineer training
💿 DJ training
🎧 Producing training
“Thanks to my background as a sound engineer, I have acquired solid technical skills. The practical workshops allowed me to apply my knowledge in real situations. Today, I work in one of the best studios in Paris! ”
Ugo Boussit (@ugo_boussit)
“Each course at Sound Academy has been a revelation for me. Passionate trainers, experienced equipment, and a close-knit community helped me launch into the music industry with confidence. ”
Tom Cadar (@ht9 .rar)
“I am a music producer and the M.A.O beatmaking training was a turning point in my career. The techniques taught opened up new creative perspectives for me. My productions have reached a new level. ”
Mike D.
“I always wanted to be a DJ. The training not only taught me the basics, but also the subtleties of the job. I now have residences in several clubs in the city. ”
Mehdi R.
“At the beginning, I was worried that I would not be able to finance my training. But the academy guided me to various funding options. I was able to follow my passion without going into debt. ”
Edgar. B